Main categories of OpenStreetBrowser with public transport zoom level
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

251 lines
11 KiB

"type": "overpass",
"query": {
"14": [
"16": [
"feature": {
"pre": [
"{% set forward = false %}",
"{% set backward = false %}",
"{% set cycleway = tags.cycleway|split(';') %}",
"{% set road_type = const[tags.highway] ? tags.highway : 'shared_lane' %}",
"{% if tags.bicycle_road and tags.bicycle_road != 'no' %}{% set road_type = 'bicycle_road' %}{% endif %}",
"{% set oneway = attribute(tags, 'oneway:bicycle')|default(tags.oneway) %}",
"{% if tags.highway == 'path' and tags.bicycle == 'designated' %}{% set road_type = 'cycleway' %}{% endif %}",
"{% if oneway in ['yes', '1'] %}{% set forward = road_type %}{% elseif oneway in ['-1'] %}{% set backward = road_type %}{% else %}{% set forward = road_type %}{% set backward = road_type %}{% endif %}",
"{% for c in cycleway %}",
" {% if c in ['opposite', 'opposite_lane'] %}{% set backward = c|slice(9)|default(road_type) %}{% endif %}",
" {% if c in ['opposite_track'] %}{% set backward = 'cycleway' %}{% endif %}",
" {% if c == 'track' %}{% set c = 'cycleway' %}{% endif %}",
" {% if const[c] %}{% if oneway in ['yes', '1', '-1'] %}{% set forward = c %}{% else %}{% set forward = c %}{% set backward = c %}{% endif %}{% endif %}",
"{% endfor %}",
"{% set left = false %}{% set right = false %}",
"{% set left_direction = 'forward' %}{% set right_direction = 'forward' %}",
"{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') %}",
" {% set left = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') %}",
" {% if left in ['opposite_lane'] %}",
" {% set left = 'lane' %}{% set left_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% elseif left in ['opposite_track'] %}",
" {% set left = 'cycleway' %}{% set left_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% elseif left in ['track'] %}",
" {% set left = 'cycleway' %}",
" {% elseif left in ['no'] %}",
" {% set left = 'shared_lane' %}",
" {% endif %}",
" {% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:oneway') == 'no' %}",
" {% set left_direction = 'both' %}",
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left:oneway') == '-1' %}",
" {% set left_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% endif %}",
"{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') and (not oneway or oneway == 'no') %}",
" {% set left = 'shared_lane' %}",
"{% endif %}",
"{% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') %}",
" {% set right = attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right') %}",
" {% if right in ['opposite_lane'] %}",
" {% set right = 'lane' %}{% set right_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% elseif right in ['opposite_track'] %}",
" {% set right = 'cycleway' %}{% set right_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% elseif right in ['track'] %}",
" {% set right = 'cycleway' %}",
" {% elseif right in ['no'] %}",
" {% set right = 'shared_lane' %}",
" {% endif %}",
" {% if attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:oneway') == 'no' %}",
" {% set right_direction = 'both' %}",
" {% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:right:oneway') == '-1' %}",
" {% set right_direction = 'backward' %}",
" {% endif %}",
"{% elseif attribute(tags, 'cycleway:left') and (not oneway or oneway == 'no') %}",
" {% set right = 'shared_lane' %}",
"{% endif %}"
"body": [
"{{ keyTrans('highway') }}: {{ tagTrans('highway', tags.highway) }}<br>",
"{% if tags.cycleway %}{{ keyTrans('cycleway') }}: {% for c in cycleway %}{{ tagTrans('cycleway', c) }} {% endfor %}<br>{% endif %}",
"{% if tags.surface %}{{ keyTrans('surface') }}: {{ tagTrans('surface', tags.surface) }}<br>{% endif %}"
"markerSymbol": null,
"listMarkerSymbol": "line",
"styles": [
"default,{% if left or right %}",
" {% if left and left_direction == 'both' %},left_both{% elseif left %},left{% endif %}",
" {% if right and right_direction == 'both' %},right_both{% elseif right %},right{% endif %}",
"{% else %}",
" {% if forward and backward and forward == backward %}main{% else %}{% if forward %},forward{% endif %}{% if backward %},backward{% endif %}{% endif %}",
"{% endif %}"
"style": {
"color": "#00000000",
"width": "6"
"style:main": {
"color": "{{ const[forward].color }}",
"fill": "{% if tags.area == 'yes' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}",
"width": "{% if tags.area == 'yes' %}0{% else %}{{ const[forward].width }}{% endif %}"
"style:forward": {
"width": "0",
"fill": "false",
"pattern": "arrowHead",
"pattern-offset": "29",
"pattern-repeat": "60",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "0",
"pattern-path-width": "0",
"pattern-path-color": "{{ const[forward].color }}",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-lineOffset": "0",
"pattern2": "dash",
"pattern2-offset": "13",
"pattern2-repeat": "60",
"pattern2-pixelSize": "22",
"pattern2-path-width": "{{ const[forward].width }}",
"pattern2-path-color": "{{ const[forward].color }}",
"pattern2-lineOffset": "0",
"pattern2-path-lineCap": "butt",
"pattern2-path-fillOpacity": "1"
"style:backward": {
"width": "0",
"fill": "false",
"pattern": "arrowHead",
"pattern-offset": "31",
"pattern-repeat": "60",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "180",
"pattern-path-width": "0",
"pattern-path-color": "{{ const[backward].color }}",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-lineOffset": "0",
"pattern2": "dash",
"pattern2-offset": "47",
"pattern2-repeat": "60",
"pattern2-pixelSize": "22",
"pattern2-path-width": "{{ const[backward].width }}",
"pattern2-path-color": "{{ const[backward].color }}",
"pattern2-lineOffset": "0",
"pattern2-path-lineCap": "butt",
"pattern2-path-fillOpacity": "1"
"style:left_both": {
"width": "{{ const[left].width }}",
"color": "{{ const[left].color }}",
"offset": "{{ -1 - const[left].width / 2 }}"
"style:left": {
"width": "0",
"fill": "false",
"pattern": "arrowHead",
"pattern-offset": "{{ left_direction == 'forward' ? 29 : 1 }}",
"pattern-repeat": "60",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{{ left_direction == 'forward' ? 0 : 180 }}",
"pattern-path-width": "0",
"pattern-path-color": "{{ const[left].color }}",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-lineOffset": "{{ -1 - const[left].width / 2 }}",
"pattern2": "dash",
"pattern2-offset": "{{ left_direction == 'forward' ? 13 : 17 }}",
"pattern2-repeat": "60",
"pattern2-pixelSize": "22",
"pattern2-path-width": "{{ const[left].width }}",
"pattern2-path-color": "{{ const[left].color }}",
"pattern2-lineOffset": "{{ -1 - const[left].width / 2 }}",
"pattern2-path-lineCap": "butt",
"pattern2-path-fillOpacity": "1"
"style:right": {
"width": "0",
"fill": "false",
"pattern": "arrowHead",
"pattern-offset": "{{ right_direction == 'forward' ? 59 : 31 }}",
"pattern-repeat": "60",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{{ right_direction == 'forward' ? 0 : 180 }}",
"pattern-path-width": "0",
"pattern-path-color": "{{ const[right].color }}",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-lineOffset": "{{ 1 + const[right].width / 2 }}",
"pattern2": "dash",
"pattern2-offset": "{{ right_direction == 'forward' ? 43 : 47 }}",
"pattern2-repeat": "60",
"pattern2-pixelSize": "22",
"pattern2-path-width": "{{ const[right].width }}",
"pattern2-path-color": "{{ const[right].color }}",
"pattern2-lineOffset": "{{ 1 + const[right].width / 2 }}",
"pattern2-path-lineCap": "butt",
"pattern2-path-fillOpacity": "1"
"info": [
"{% for key, value in const if not value.info_hide %}",
" <tr>",
" <td>{{ markerLine({'width': value.width, 'color': value.color})|raw }}</div></td>",
" <td>{{ tagTrans(value.trans_tag|default('highway'), key) }}</td>",
" </tr>",
"{% endfor %}",
"const": {
"cycleway": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#0000ff"
"track": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#7f7f00"
"lane": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#7f0000"
"share_busway": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#7f007f",
"trans_tag": "cycleway"
"footway": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#00af00"
"path": {
"width": "2",
"color": "#00af00",
"info_hide": true
"pedestrian": {
"width": "4",
"color": "#5faf00"
"living_street": {
"width": "4",
"color": "#00afff"
"bicycle_road": {
"width": "4",
"color": "#003fff"
"shared_lane": {
"width": "4",
"color": "#000000"