type: overpass query: 14: nwr[~"^fixme(:.*|)$"~".",i] feature: pre: | {% set fixme = tags.fixme %} {% set category = null %} {% if not fixme %} {% for k, v in tags %} {% set m = k|matches('^fixme(:(.*))?$', 'i') %} {% if m %} {% set fixme = v %} {% set category = m[2] %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if not category %} {% for k, d in const if d.match %} {% if fixme|matches(d.match, 'i') %} {% set category = k %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} details: | {{ fixme }} description: | {% set found = false %} {% for k in ['amenity', 'shop', 'telecom', 'waterway', 'craft', 'highway', 'railway', 'aerialway', 'emergency', 'geological', 'man_made', 'natural', 'office', 'power', 'aeroway', 'tourism', 'leisure', 'military', 'landuse', 'barrier', 'route'] if not found %} {% if attribute(tags, k) and attribute(tags, k) != 'yes' %} {{ tagTransList(k, attribute(tags, k)) }} {% set found = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if found %}{# nothing #} {% elseif tags.building and tags.building != 'yes' %} {{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }} {% elseif tags.historic and tags.historic not in ['heritage', 'yes', 'building'] %} {{ tagTransList('historic', tags.historic) }} {% elseif tags.building == 'yes' or tags.historic == 'building' %} {{ keyTrans('building') }} {% elseif tags.boundary %} {{ tagTrans('boundary', tags.boundary) }} {% endif %} body: | {{ fixme == 'yes' ? keyTrans('fixme') : fixme }} markerSymbol: | {{ markerPointer({ fillColor: const[category].color|default('#f2756a') }) }} listMarkerSymbol: | {{ markerCircle({ fillColor: const[category].color|default('#f2756a') }) }} filter: category: name: Category show_default: true type: select values: | const: default: color: '#f2756a' name: match: 'name' color: '#00b6a9' incomplete: match: '(continue|incomplete|unfinished)' color: '#bb972f' position: match: '(position|location)' color: '#71ab43' addr: match: 'addr' color: '#0070b6' maxspeed: match: 'maxspeed' color: '#a36af2' resurvey: match: 're-?survey' color: '#00b647' verify: match: '(verify|recheck)' color: '#eeb600' import: match: 'import' color: '#a6b600'