{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "de": "Einrichtungen für Kinder", "en": "Children amenities", "fr": "Équipements pour enfants", "hu": "Gyermekek", "pt-br": "Equipamentos infantis" }, "query": { "15": [ "(", "node[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", "way[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", "relation[leisure~'^(playground|summer_camp|indoor_play)$'];", "node[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", "way[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", "relation[shop~'^(baby_goods|toys)$'];", "node[amenity=toilets][diaper];", "way[amenity=toilets][diaper];relation[amenity=toilets][diaper];", "node[kids_area];", "way[kids_area];", "relation[kids_area];", ");" ] }, "feature": { "description": [ "{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %}", "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}", "{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%}", "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}", "{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' %}", "{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}", "{% elseif tags.kids_area %}", "{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}", "{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %}", "{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTrans('shop', tags.shop) }}", "{% elseif tags.amenity=='toilets' and tags.diaper %}", "{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets diaper=yes') }}", "{% endif %}" ], "markerSign": [ "{% if tags.leisure=='playground' %}", "⛹", "{% elseif tags.leisure=='summer_camp'%}", "🏕", "{% elseif tags.leisure=='indoor_play' or tags.kids_area %}", "🏠", "{% elseif tags.shop=='baby_goods' or tags.shop=='toys' %}", "", "{% elseif tags.amenity=='toilets' and tags.diaper %}", "🚽🚼", "{% endif %}" ] }, "info": [ "", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "
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{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'playground') }}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'indoor_play') }}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ tagTrans('leisure', 'summer_camp') }}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ keyTrans('kids_area') }}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ keyTrans('shop') }}: {{ tagTransList('shop', 'baby_goods;toys') }}
{{ markerCircle({})|raw }}
{{ tagTrans('amenity', 'toilets diaper=yes') }}
" ] }