2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Stephan Bösch-Plepelits e95a64f7d8
Merge pull request #66 from treestryder/detailsBody 1 year ago
Nathan Hartley 2feba1dba7 Matched format of detailsBody.html 1 year ago
  1. 64
  2. 48


@ -43,35 +43,53 @@ feature:
{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}
body: |-
{% if constIndex in ['canoe=put_in', 'leisure=slipway','canoe=portage'] %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Description') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'description') }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'surface') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-window-minimize'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Surface') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'surface') ? tagTrans('surface', attribute(tags, 'surface')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Surface') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'surface') ? tagTrans('surface', attribute(tags, 'surface')) : '' }}</dd>
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Operator') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'operator') ? tagTrans('operator', attribute(tags, 'operator')) : '' }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'operator') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-drivers-license-o'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Operator') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'operator') ? tagTrans('operator', attribute(tags, 'operator')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Access') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'access') ? tagTrans('access', attribute(tags, 'access')) : '' }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'access') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-unlock'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Access') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'access') ? tagTrans('access', attribute(tags, 'access')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Fee') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'fee') ? tagTrans('fee', attribute(tags, 'fee')) : '' }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'fee') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-money'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Fee') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'fee') ? tagTrans('fee', attribute(tags, 'fee')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Wheelchair') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'wheelchair') ? tagTrans('wheelchair', attribute(tags, 'wheelchair')) : '' }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'mapillary') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-camera'></i>
{{ trans('Photos') }}:
<span class='value'>
<a href="https://www.mapillary.com/app/?focus=photo&pKey={{ attribute(tags, 'mapillary') }}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Mapillary</a>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ trans('Photos') }}</dt>
{% if attribute(tags, 'mapillary') %}
<li><a href="https://www.mapillary.com/app/?focus=photo&pKey={{ attribute(tags, 'mapillary') }}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Mapillary</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Description and Wheelchair rendered from detailsBody.html. -->
markerSign: '{{ item[''sign''] | raw }}'
markerSymbol: |
{% if item['sign'] %}{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: '#FFFFFF' }) }}{% endif %}


@ -35,25 +35,43 @@ feature:
{{ tagTrans(key, value) }}
{% endif %}
body: |-
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Description') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ localizedTag(tags, 'description') }}</dd>
{% if attribute(tags, 'operator') %}
<dt>{{ keyTrans('Operator') }}</dt>
<dd>{{ attribute(tags, 'operator') ? tagTrans('operator', attribute(tags, 'operator')) : '' }}</dd>
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-drivers-license-o'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Operator') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'operator') ? tagTrans('operator', attribute(tags, 'operator')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(tags, 'height') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa-solid fa-ruler-vertical'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Height') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'height') ? tagTrans('height', attribute(tags, 'height')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
<dt>{{ trans('Photos') }}</dt>
{% if attribute(tags, 'mapillary') %}
<li><a href="https://www.mapillary.com/app/?focus=photo&pKey={{ attribute(tags, 'mapillary') }}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Mapillary</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(tags, 'width') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fas fa-ruler-horizontal'></i>
{{ keyTrans('Width') }}:
<span class='value'>{{ attribute(tags, 'width') ? tagTrans('width', attribute(tags, 'width')) : '' }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if attribute(tags, 'mapillary') %}
<li class='hasSymbol'>
<i class='fa fa-camera'></i>
{{ trans('Photos') }}:
<span class='value'>
<a href="https://www.mapillary.com/app/?focus=photo&pKey={{ attribute(tags, 'mapillary') }}" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">Mapillary</a>
{% endif %}
markerSign: <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>
markerSymbol: |
{{ markerPointer({ fillColor: '#ff6700' }) }}
