Browse Source

pt: better patterns

  1. 66


@ -67,6 +67,12 @@
"markerSymbol": "",
"styles": "",
"style:hover": {
"width": 0
"style:selected": {
"width": 0
"listStopsExclude": "true",
"listRoutesMarkerSign": "{{ const[tags.route].sign|raw }}",
"listRoutesMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerCircle({fillColor:const[tags.route].color})|raw }}",
@ -129,7 +135,7 @@
"{% endfor %}",
"styles": "{% if isStop and stopCount > 0 %}{% elseif isWay %}way{% if hover %},hover{% endif %}{% if selected %},selected{% endif %}{% endif %}",
"styles": "{% if isStop and stopCount > 0 %}{% elseif isWay %}casing,way{% if hover %},hover{% endif %}{% if selected %},selected{% endif %}{% endif %}",
"listStopsMarkerSign": null,
"listStopsMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerCircle({ width: 5, color: color, fillOpacity: '1', radius: 3 })|raw }}",
"listStopsExclude": "{{ not isStop or stopCount == 0 }}",
@ -138,44 +144,62 @@
"listRoutesExclude": "true",
"markerSymbol": "{% if isStop and stopCount > 0 %}{% if hover or selected %}{{ markerCircle({ width: 0, fill: true, fillColor: hover ? '#000000' : '#3f3f3f', fillOpacity: '1', radius: 7 })|raw }}{% else %}{{ markerCircle({ width: 0, fill: true, fillColor: color, fillOpacity: '1', radius: 5 })|raw }}{% endif %}{% endif %}",
"style:way": {
"width": "3",
"opacity": "{% if (dirForward and dirBackward) or (not dirForward and not dirBackward) %}1{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"color": "{{ color|default('#ff0000') }}",
"width": "4",
"dashArray": "{% if not dirForward or not dirBackward %}15,8{% endif %}",
"dashOffset": "{% if dirBackward %}16{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"lineCap": "{% if not dirForward or not dirBackward %}butt{% else %}round{% endif %}",
"noClip": "{% if not dirForward or not dirBackward %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}",
"opacity": 1,
"text": "{{ refs|join(' · ') }} ",
"textRepeat": "1",
"textOffset": "12",
"textFontWeight": "bold",
"pattern": "{% if dirForward and dirBackward %}{% else %}arrowHead{% endif %}",
"pattern-pixelSize": "4",
"pattern-repeat": "7",
"pattern-polygon": "",
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-repeat": "23",
"pattern-offset": "{% if dirBackward %}2{% else %}18.5{% endif %}",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{% if dirBackward %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"pattern-path-weight": "2",
"pattern-path-weight": "0",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-path-color": "{{ color|default('#ff0000') }}"
"style:hover": {
"pane": "hover",
"width": "{% if hover == 'forward' or hover == 'backward' %}0{% else %}4{% endif %}",
"width": "4",
"dashArray": "{% if hover == 'forward' or hover == 'backward' %}15,8{% endif %}",
"dashOffset": "{% if hover == 'backward' %}16{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"lineCap": "{% if hover == 'forward' or hover == 'backward' %}butt{% else %}round{% endif %}",
"noClip": "{% if hover == 'forward' or hover == 'backward' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}",
"color": "black",
"pattern": "{% if hover == 'forward' or hover == 'backward' %}arrowHead{% endif %}",
"pattern-pixelSize": "4",
"pattern-repeat": "7",
"pattern-polygon": "",
"pattern-path-weight": "2",
"pattern-path-color": "black",
"pattern-path-angleCorrection": "{% if hover == 'backward' %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}"
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"pattern-offset": "{% if hover == 'backward' %}2{% else %}18.5{% endif %}",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{% if hover == 'backward' %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"pattern-path-weight": "0",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-path-color": "black"
"style:selected": {
"pane": "selected",
"width": "{% if selected == 'forward' or selected == 'backward' %}0{% else %}3{% endif %}",
"width": "4",
"dashArray": "{% if selected == 'forward' or selected == 'backward' %}15,8{% endif %}",
"dashOffset": "{% if selected == 'backward' %}16{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"lineCap": "{% if selected == 'forward' or selected == 'backward' %}butt{% else %}round{% endif %}",
"noClip": "{% if selected == 'forward' or selected == 'backward' %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}",
"color": "#3f3f3f",
"pattern": "{% if selected == 'forward' or selected == 'backward' %}arrowHead{% endif %}",
"pattern-pixelSize": "4",
"pattern-repeat": "7",
"pattern-polygon": "",
"pattern-path-weight": "2",
"pattern-path-color": "#3f3f3f",
"pattern-path-angleCorrection": "{% if selected == 'backward' %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}"
"pattern-pixelSize": "9",
"pattern-repeat": "23",
"pattern-offset": "{% if selected == 'backward' %}2{% else %}18.5{% endif %}",
"pattern-polygon": "true",
"pattern-angleCorrection": "{% if selected == 'backward' %}180{% else %}0{% endif %}",
"pattern-path-weight": "0",
"pattern-path-fillOpacity": "1",
"pattern-path-color": "#3f3f3f"
"info": [
