{ "type": "overpass", "name": { "de": "Gebäudearten", "en": "Building types", "fr": "Type", "pt-br": "Tipologias" }, "query": { "16": "nwr[building][building!=no];" }, "feature": { "pre": [ "{% set type = tags.building|split(';')[0] %}", "{% if tags.military %}{% set type = 'military' %}{% endif %}", "{% set color = const.other.color %}", "{% for cat, data in const %}", " {% if type in data.types %}", " {% set color = data.color %}", " {% endif %}", "{% endfor %}" ], "description": [ "{% if tags.building == 'yes' and tags.military %}", "{{ tagTrans('building', 'military') }}", "{% elseif tags.building == 'yes' %}", "{{ keyTrans('building') }}", "{% else %}", "{{ tagTransList('building', tags.building) }}", "{% endif %}", "{% if tags.building == 'construction' and tags.construction %}", "({{ tagTransList('building', tags.construction) }})", "{% endif %}", "{% if tags.building in [ 'yes', 'military' ] and tags.military %}", "({{ tagTransList('military', tags.military) }})", "{% endif %}" ], "markerSymbol": "", "listMarkerSymbol": "{{ markerPolygon({\"fillColor\": color, \"fillOpacity\": 0.8, \"width\": 1, \"color\": \"#000000\" })|raw }}", "priority": [ "{% set p = 100 %}", "{% if tags.name %}{% set p = p - 10 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.historic %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.culture %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.highway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.railway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.aeroway %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.amenity %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{% if tags.tourism %}{% set p = p - 1 %}{% endif %}", "{{ p }}" ], "style": { "width": "1", "color": "#000000", "fillColor": "{{ color }}", "fillOpacity": "0.8" } }, "info": [ "<table>", "{% for cat, data in const %}", " <tr>", " <td valign='top'>{{ markerPolygon({ \"fillColor\": data.color, \"fillOpacity\": \"0.8\", \"width\": 1, \"color\": \"#000000\" })|raw }}</td>", " <td onclick='this.classList.toggle(\"infoShowDetails\")'><b>{{ trans(data.name) }}</b><span class='details'>:", " {% for i, type in data.types %}<span title='building={{ type }}'>{% if i > 0 %}, {% endif %}{{ tagTrans('building', type) }}</span>{% endfor %}", " </span>", "<span class='summary'><i class=\"fa fa-info-circle\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></span>", " </td>", " </tr>", "{% endfor %}", "</table>" ], "const": { "residential": { "name": "tag:building=residential", "color": "#25a000", "types": [ "house", "apartments", "block", "flats", "farm", "detached", "dormitory", "terrace", "houseboat", "bungalow", "static_caravan", "residential", "semidetached_house", "ger", "trullo" ] }, "tourism": { "name": "tag:tourism", "color": "#814ce2", "types": [ "hotel", "ruins", "conservatory" ] }, "commercial": { "name": "tag:building=commercial", "color": "#ec5bcf", "types": [ "commercial", "office", "industrial", "retail", "supermarket", "warehouse", "kiosk", "mall", "shop" ] }, "religious": { "name": "tag:building=religious", "color": "#af29cc", "types": [ "religious", "cathedral", "chapel", "church", "mosque", "temple", "synagogue", "shrine", "monastery" ] }, "amenity": { "name": "tag:amenity", "color": "#2935cc", "types": [ "kindergarten", "civic", "government", "hospital", "school", "university", "grandstand", "public", "toilets", "college" ] }, "agriculture": { "name": "tag:landuse=agriculture", "color": "#92e934", "types": [ "bakehouse", "barn", "cowshed", "farm_auxiliary", "greenhouse", "stable", "sty", "kitchen", "slurry_tank", "silo" ] }, "industrial": { "name": "tag:landuse=industrial", "color": "#e2da1b", "types": [ "construction", "garbage_shed", "transformer_tower", "service", "water_tower", "industrial", "warehouse", "storage_tank" ] }, "transportation": { "name": "tag:building=transportation", "color": "#1bb5e2", "types": [ "carport", "garage", "garages", "bridge", "hangar", "parking", "train_station", "transportation" ] }, "sport": { "name": "tag:sport", "color": "#e21b66", "types": [ "pavilion", "riding_hall", "stadium", "sports_hall" ] }, "roof": { "name": "tag:building=roof", "color": "#afafaf7f", "types": [ "roof" ] }, "shelter": { "name": "tag:amenity=shelter", "color": "#cc8725", "types": [ "cabin", "hut", "shed" ] }, "military": { "name": "tag:building=military", "color": "#4a7300", "types": [ "bunker", "military" ] }, "unspecified": { "name": "tag:building=generic", "color": "#7f7f7f", "types": [ "yes", "generic" ] }, "other": { "name": "other", "color": "#ff0000", "types": [] } } }