type: overpass name: en: Roads 2 # English name of the category query: 9: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk)$"]; 11: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary)$"]; 13: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary)$"]; 15: way[highway~"^(motorway|trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|road|residential)$"]; feature: description: | {{ tagTrans('highway', tags.highway) }} markerSymbol: # empty, to hide the marker listMarkerSymbol: line # show a line which is generated from the style style:casing: width: 8 color: '#000000' pane: casing # use the predefined 'casing' pane, so that this line is below the 'style' style: width: 4 color: | {{ (const[tags.highway]|default(const.default)).color }} text: | {{ tags.name }} textOffset: -8 const: motorway: color: '#ff0000' trunk: color: '#ff3f00' primary: color: '#ff7f00' default: color: '#ffff00'