You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

171 lines
3.5 KiB

/* globals setPath, history */
var queryString = require('query-string')
function get () {
var state = {}
// repo
if (global.mainRepo !== '') {
state.repo = global.mainRepo
// path
if (currentPath) {
state.path = currentPath
// location
if (typeof map.getZoom() !== 'undefined') {
var center = map.getCenter().wrap()
var zoom = map.getZoom() =
state.lon = center.lng
state.zoom = zoom
// other modules
call_hooks('state-get', state)
// done
return state
function apply (state) {
// path
setPath(state.path, state)
// location
if ( && state.lon && state.zoom) {
if (typeof map.getZoom() === 'undefined') {
map.setView({ lat:, lng: state.lon }, state.zoom)
} else {
map.flyTo({ lat:, lng: state.lon }, state.zoom)
// other modules
call_hooks('state-apply', state)
function stringify (state) {
var link = ''
if (!state) {
state = get()
var tmpState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state))
// path
if (state.path) {
link += state.path
delete tmpState.path
// location
var locPrecision = 5
if (state.zoom) {
locPrecision =
state.zoom > 16 ? 5
: state.zoom > 8 ? 4
: state.zoom > 4 ? 3
: state.zoom > 2 ? 2
: state.zoom > 1 ? 1
: 0
if (state.zoom && && state.lon) {
link += (link === '' ? '' : '&') + 'map=' +
parseFloat(state.zoom).toFixed(0) + '/' + + '/' +
delete tmpState.zoom
delete tmpState.lon
var newHash = queryString.stringify(tmpState)
// Characters we dont's want escaped
newHash = newHash.replace(/%2F/g, '/')
newHash = newHash.replace(/%2C/g, ',')
if (newHash !== '') {
link += (link === '' ? '' : '&') + newHash
return link
function parse (link) {
var firstEquals ='=')
var firstAmp ='&')
var urlNonPathPart = ''
var newState = {}
var newPath = ''
if (link === '') {
// nothing
} else if (firstEquals === -1) {
if (firstAmp === -1) {
newPath = link
} else {
newPath = link.substr(0, firstAmp)
} else {
if (firstAmp === -1) {
urlNonPathPart = link
} else if (firstAmp < firstEquals) {
newPath = link.substr(0, firstAmp)
urlNonPathPart = link.substr(firstAmp + 1)
} else {
urlNonPathPart = link
newState = queryString.parse(urlNonPathPart)
if (newPath !== '') {
newState.path = newPath
if ('map' in newState) {
var parts ='/')
newState.zoom = parts[0] = parts[1]
newState.lon = parts[2]
return newState
function update (state, push) {
if (!state) {
state = get()
var newHash = '#' + stringify(state)
call_hooks('state-update', state, newHash)
if (push) {
history.pushState(null, null, newHash)
call_hooks('statePush', state, newHash)
} else if (location.hash !== newHash && (location.hash !== '' || newHash !== '#')) {
history.replaceState(null, null, newHash)
call_hooks('stateReplace', state, newHash)
module.exports = {
get: get, // get the current app state
apply: apply, // apply a state to the current app
stringify: stringify, // create a link from a state (or the current state)
parse: parse, // parse a state from a link
update: update // update url (either replace or push)