You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.4 KiB

  1. {
  2. "add_filter": "添加过滤器",
  3. "any value": "任意值",
  4. "available_branches": "可用分支",
  5. "back": "返回",
  6. "cancel": "取消",
  7. "categories": "分类",
  8. "category-info-tooltip": "信息&地图键",
  9. "closed": "关闭的",
  10. "default": "默认",
  11. "edit": "编辑",
  12. "editor:id": "iD(浏览器内编辑器)",
  13. "editor:remote": "远程控制(JOSM或Merkaator)",
  14. "editor:remote:help": "你可能需要在JOSM或Merkaator中开启远程控制",
  15. "error": "错误",
  16. "empty value": "空值",
  17. "export-all": "导出所有可见地图要素",
  18. "export-prepare": "准备下载",
  19. "export:GeoJSON": "以GeoJSON下载",
  20. "export:OSMJSON": "以OSM JSON下载",
  21. "export:OSMXML": "以OSM XML下载",
  22. "facilities": "设施",
  23. "filter:title": "标题",
  24. "filter:type": "类型",
  25. "formatUnits:coordFormat": "坐标格式",
  26. "formatUnits:coordSpacer": "坐标空间",
  27. "formatUnits:system": "单位系统",
  28. "formatUnits:system:si": "国际单位制",
  29. "formatUnits:system:imp": "英制",
  30. "formatUnits:system:nautical": "航海制",
  31. "formatUnits:system:m": "永远按米",
  32. "formatUnits:speed": "速度单位",
  33. "formatUnits:speed:ft/s": "ft/s",
  34. "formatUnits:speed:km/h": "km/h",
  35. "formatUnits:speed:kn": "kn",
  36. "formatUnits:speed:m/s": "m/s",
  37. "formatUnits:speed:mi/h": "mph",
  38. "form_element:please_select": "-- 请选择 --",
  39. "geoinfo:nw-corner": "西北角",
  40. "geoinfo:center": "中心",
  41. "geoinfo:centroid": "几何中心",
  42. "geoinfo:se-corner": "东南角",
  43. "geoinfo:mouse": "鼠标所处位置",
  44. "geoinfo:location": "当前位置",
  45. "geoinfo:zoom": "缩放等级",
  46. "geoinfo:header": "几何学信息",
  47. "geoinfo:length": "长度",
  48. "geoinfo:area": "面积",
  49. "header:attributes": "署名",
  50. "header:export": "导出",
  51. "header:osm_meta": "OSM 元数据",
  52. "heading:N": "北",
  53. "heading:NE": "东北",
  54. "heading:E": "东",
  55. "heading:SE": "东南",
  56. "heading:S": "南",
  57. "heading:SW": "西南",
  58. "heading:W": "西",
  59. "heading:NW": "西北",
  60. "images": "图像",
  61. "invalid value": "无效值",
  62. "loading": "加载中……",
  63. "main:about": "关于",
  64. "main:code": "代码",
  65. "main:options": "选项",
  66. "main:permalink": "固定链接",
  67. "more": "更多",
  68. "more_categories": "更多分类",
  69. "more_categories_gitea": "自己创建或改进分类",
  70. "more_results": "展示更多结果",
  71. "open": "打开",
  72. "options:data_lang": "数据语言",
  73. "options:data_lang:desc": "许多地图要素的名称或其他标签都有不同语言的翻译(如'name:en'、'name:de')。选择显示那种语言,或者选择“当地语言”以使用无翻译的值(如'name')。",
  74. "options:data_lang:local": "本地语言",
  75. "options:debug_mode": "调试模式",
  76. "options:overpassUrl": "OverpassAPI URL",
  77. "options:preferredBaseMap": "底图偏好",
  78. "options:ui_lang": "界面语言",
  79. "options:chooseEditor": "选择编辑器",
  80. "other": "其他",
  81. "repo-use-as-base": "将这个仓库作为基仓库",
  82. "repositories": "仓库",
  83. "save": "保存",
  84. "show details": "显示细节",
  85. "toggle_fullscreen": "切换全屏模式",
  86. "unknown": "未知",
  87. "unnamed": "未命名",
  88. "wikipedia:no-url-parse": "不能识别的Wikipedia URL",
  89. "zoom_in_appear": "放大以显示地图要素",
  90. "zoom_in_more": "放大以显示更多地图要素"
  91. }